What we’re about
We all know it is important to keep our body healthy and fit, and because the way humans have evolved only real way to achieve fitness is through EXERCISE (thanks evolution!).But with all the modern day distractions it is the remotest thing on our mind. This group is for all those who are afflicted by this phenomenon, we (if one more person joins me!) will motivate each other to push through the deary web of lethargy and achieve what Leonidas could not accomplish, that is assembling more than 300 people! I invite all to join me in this quest to go beyond fitness and training and find out what happens after a grueling up hill run and a 100 push ups. P.S: since its mandatory to have a singular goal for any kind of quest, i have set a tiny one to compete in an endurance race consisting of 100kms of cycling, 10km of hike n bike, 25km trekking and little bit of an obstacle run. and we have like less than 1-1/2 months to prepare...