Canines and Cappuccinos

Calling All Animal Advocates!
Join us for our 2nd meeting as we strategize to bring humane legislation to Denver! Our goal is to advocate for an new ordinance to the Denver City Council that will ban the sale of puppies, kittens, and bunnies sourced from commercial breeding mills. The passage of this legislation will ultimately stop the puppy mill pipeline currently operating in our local community.
The City Council wants to hear from Denver residents. If you've ever felt frustrated and sadden by animal abuse - now if the time to speak out against it! The Denver City Council wants to hear from its residents. So please join our efforts.
21 cities in Colorado have already passed similar humane ordinances—let's make the mile high city next on the list!
Parking on the street is free. Train stop is right across the street - 38th & Blake

Canines and Cappuccinos