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Python Edinburgh - September Talks

Photo of Mark Smith
Hosted By
Mark S.


In September we'll have two more talks for your education and delight, and plenty of opportunity for networking.

We have a few talk proposals (which is wonderful!) but we haven't quite got everything confirmed yet - we'll let you know when we do.

This event will again be hosted by TrustPilot, but they're moving offices so their (city centre) address will need to be confirmed closer to the date.

There will be drinks and pizza, generously provided by TravelPerk!

More details to come, but I wanted to publicise the event to keep our momentum going. Sign up early - last month our waitlist was nearly as long as our attendee list!


We're looking for speakers for future events - if you have something interesting to say about Python or something like it, please submit a talk proposal:

Photo of Python Edinburgh group
Python Edinburgh
See more events
10 George Street · Edinburgh
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
50 spots left