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What we’re about

Welcome to the Consciousness Cleveland Meetup!

The Consciousness Meetup group serves to help others thrive as we go through the most expansive evolutionary shift in consciousness ever experienced by humanity.

This meetup is designed to be a collaboration of thoughts, ideas, topics, personalities; all meeting face-to-face.

We recognized that spirituality is an ongoing learning process and that people are often at different levels. All are welcome to come and learn what you can, teach what you can, and enrich each others' lives in the process.

Topics of discussion include: David Hawkins (Power vs. Force); Pendulums, Dowsing, Truth Testing, Kinesiology, and the Law of Attraction; Gregg Braden; Byron Katie; Louise Hay; Wayne Dyer; Remote Viewing; Remote Influencing; Gerald O'Donnell; Paul Smith; Lucid Dreaming; Astral Projection; Energy Testing; Masaru Emoto (Messages in Water); Sacred Geometry and the Evolution of Consciousness; morphogenic fields as discussed by Rupert Sheldrake; Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction; John Assaraf and the 7 Universal Laws; and more, so please submit your interests and ideas at the Ideas tab.

Meetings will last at least one hour and will run longer depending on the interests of the attendees.

This is your meetup. Designed to help you! Participate. Attend.

Please let us know of meeting locations that would suit you best.

Joy to you!


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