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What we’re about

If you consider yourself introverted, sensitive or shy, then we're your people.

Our Meet Ups across Cornwall gently connect quieteers like us in a safe, relaxing space where it's okay to talk and it's okay to be quiet too.

We can't wait to welcome you.

Why we're (quietly) meeting up

We know what it’s like. Meeting new people and going to new places as an introverted, shy or sensitive person can feel daunting. So often it feels like we need to try and push ourselves to match the louder, chattier people in the room to be able to form connections and let our voices be heard. But it shouldn’t have to be that way. We believe that there should be more inclusion, fairness and equal opportunities in society for quiet people like us - and our regular Meet Ups are one of the ways that we’re advocating for this change.

We’ve created these safe spaces across Cornwall to help you connect with likeminded quiet people, feel more confident and flourish as your true quiet self.
Here, your quietness is not only accepted… it’s celebrated.

What to expect from the Meet Ups

A relaxed, welcoming environment
We’ve carefully chosen our Meet Ups spaces so that they’re calm, cosy and comfortable and we tend to keep our groups small. We have casual, optional activities for you to participate in if you wish. And tea, coffee and biscuits are a given! 

It’s okay to talk and it’s okay to be quiet too
We understand that you may prefer to ease into conversation gradually, or that some days you might like to sit quietly with a good book whilst simply in the company of others. We welcome both quietude and chatter.

You can go at your own pace
Our intention is to help you connect with others - but there’s absolutely no pressure to participate or set any big goals. You’re invited to step into the space and contribute when you're ready; or you can sit back and quietly observe if that’s what feels right for you. 

A community of understanding
Our gentle-natured group leaders and the quieteers attending our Meet Ups are likely to share similar feelings and experiences with you. So here you can connect with people who truly get you - and feel part of a supportive, welcoming community. 

A space to be yourself
We encourage stretching your comfort zone and trying new things. But ultimately our Meet Ups are designed to help you simply be with other quiet people in a way that feels authentic to your true, quiet, wonderful self.

Find your nearest Meet Up and join the Quieteers Club at

Upcoming events (4+)

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