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October 12 Dutch Gap. Meet as-seen-on-TV birder Wes Teets at the Henricus Historical Park parking lot at 8:00 am. This is one of our premier birding locations, with a great variety of habitats supporting myriad bird species. Our focus late fall through early spring is waterfowl. Expect 2 to 3 miles of slow-paced walking on paved roads and gravel trails with several spots to stop and observe the birds. We typically spend around 3 hours here. If the gate is closed, park at the boardwalk parking area right before the gate. You may join or leave the group at any time. No registration is required. Contact Wes at [email protected] or 540-521-5379 for more information.

RAS trips are open to all, RAS membership is encouraged but not required, and unless the trip says otherwise, you don't need to sign up. Please feel free to stay for as long as you want. Attendees do not need to stay the entire time listed.

** The field trip schedule is subject to change. Trips may be added, canceled, or modified. Please check our RAS calendar online at for the most recent trip information.

Photo of Richmond Audubon Society Meetup group
Richmond Audubon Society Meetup
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Dutch Gap Conservation Area
411 Coxendale Rd · Chesterfield, VA
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