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December Event

Photo of Keith Paterson
Hosted By
Keith P.
December Event


Join fellow bookworms in a casual setting for an evening of socialization and sharing books we've read (or are reading).

For this event we'll return to St. Regis Bar & Grill at Dunsmuir & Syemour Streets.

The event is free but a voluntary contribution toward Meetup group hosting fees is requested. The cost of 6 months of hosting had been $98.94US + PST + GST (yes both taxes🙄) + the exchange rate + an extra 2.5% on the exchange to the credit card company ≈$155.00CAN x 2 ≈ $310.00CAN Annually. That 6 month fee has just increased by 81% to $178.99US or ≈$280.00CAN x 2 ≈ 560.00CAN per year.

If everyone attending dropped a toonie into the contribution jar that would go a long way towards the group susbscription fees.

Photo of Read What You Want Books & Brew group
Read What You Want Books & Brew
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St Regis
608 Dunsmuir St, Vancouver, BC V6B 1Y6 · Vancouver, BC
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25 spots left