What we’re about
This Meetup is a closed group for graduates of Rebuilding Seminars.
Please visit www.rebuildingseminars.com, sign up for a seminar, and join the RB community as we climb together toward confidence and the freedom to be ourselves.
Feel better. Move forward. Join RB.
We love referrals!
When an RB Graduate refers someone to Rebuilding Seminars, they will receive a $50 registration discount by mentioning your name.
Appropriate use
This is just a friendly heads-up that our rules are all about keeping things focused on genuine community connection. That means we're unable to allow advertising or posts about events where you are paid or a commercial interest is involved.
We want to keep this space a place where everyone feels comfortable sharing and connecting without any pressure to buy or promote anything.
Thanks for understanding and for being a part of our community!
We are a closed group, and to enhance trust and safety, we ask that you include your picture and your first name and at least your last name initial, preferably your full name.