What we’re about
Do you like the game Red Dragon Inn? Do you have trouble finding people to play with? Then we are the group for you! This group is dedicated to playing the game Red Dragon Inn. My wife and I love RDI and always wish we got to play more. If you've never heard of the game, you're still welcome to join in the fun.
In Red Dragon Inn, you and your friends are a party of heroic, fantasy adventurers. You've raided the dungeon, killed the monsters, and taken their treasure. Now you're back, and what better way to celebrate your most recent victory than to spend an evening at the Red Dragon Inn. You and your adventuring companions will spend the night drinking, gambling, and roughhousing. The last person who is both sober enough to remain conscious and shrewd enough to hold onto his Gold Coins wins the game.
Please note that Red Dragon Inn Gaming Group is not officially endorsed or affiliated with Slugfest Games.