Haves and Wants Online + PropSwap
Haves and Wants Online, Followed By PropSwap
Registration Required: reintn.net/Calendar.aspx
Every Friday 8:00 - 11:00 AM Central Time
Haves and Wants 8:00 - 9:00 AM
Join our Zoom Buy/Sell/Trade meeting, where members can offer what you have to get what you want. Do you have deals to sell? Skills to trade? Need money, partners, or help? Or just want to know who’s active in the REIN community? This weekly meeting is where we bring what we have and get what we want, and it’s spectacular. A nationwide community of new and active investors join in every week, and you should, too.
PropSwap Meeting 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Hard to describe but mind-boggling to attend, this meeting is all about putting together money, properties, work, and skills into creative deals. A real learning experience AND a place to get your deal problems solved.
Not a member? Join for just $25 a month at www.reintn.org/join
Every week on Friday
Haves and Wants Online + PropSwap