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What we’re about

This is a very special place to share, grow, dump, learn, support, and listen in sacred space and a deep listening environment. No "cross-talk," we simply go around the group and take five minutes or so to share our triumphs and challenges for the week/(month/year/life). As we proceed, you'll see that themes arise. You'll feel safe, deeply supported and understood, as you give that gift as well. There may be time for multiple times around the room. Whether this is a group of two or ten, it's always fabulous! If time allows, we'll briefly discuss any themes that arise, and we always end with a sentence of "masterminding"--what we can pray or hold in consciousness for you for the next week.

The group is lightly facilitated, non-denominational but based loosely on New Thought and Law of Attraction principles of focused attention and our relationship to the energies of the world. We keep it light on story but focus on feelings, with a goal of taking personal responsibility for our situations where we can, and moving toward resolution. We like to hear about how you've moved ahead in life, too; how you've successfully practiced various principles we'll discuss. We take an offering of $5-20, depending on your circumstances and how much you get out of it--if it replaces counseling for you you are invited to contribute $20.

Meetings are Saturdays from 10:30-12:15. The group works best as an ongoing support group, as you get to know each other, but you are welcome to come on a drop-in basis, as well. However, if the group doesn't "make," or the facilitator is unavailable we won't hold it on a given week, so don't rely on Meetup for cancellation information; make a personal contact with the leader.

Upcoming events (4+)

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