Sunday Morning Meditation and Discussion

New to the art of sitting still? Looking to mix up your meditation routine? Then join us for a group meditation.
Location to be determined
We will look at the weather forecast a day or two before the event, and if it's nice enough to be outside, we will be at Maymont. Otherwise we will be at the Innerwork Center building. We'll send an email to let RSVPs know. Otherwise, check back here before you head out on Sunday morning.
What kind of meditation will we be doing?
We usually sit in silence for 25 minutes. If you are new to meditation, let us know. We can answer questions or give a guided meditation.
Then we open up for discussion, which can be about the meditation we just had, experiences during the week, our meditation practices, or anything that comes up that's related to practice or waking up in life. It's not unusual for there to be long pauses between speaking, where we just reflect on what was just said or are open to hear the next voice, and sometimes that voice is our own. We conclude the discussion around 12:30.
What if I've never meditated before?
This is a great place to start. Most people in the group are fairly new to meditating, so you'll be in good company.
What type of people will I be meditating with?
Our group is very laid-back and open minded. We recognize that everyone is on their own individual path, so come as you are and you'll be welcomed.
Do I have to sit still for 25 minutes?
No. If you get uncomfortable, shift your position. You can choose to meditate however it works best for you as long as you respect those around you.
How do I start meditating?
Tara Brach has a perfect introduction here (

Every week on Sunday until December 25, 2026
Sunday Morning Meditation and Discussion