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What we’re about

Planning your exit strategy? Want to study or work abroad? Thinking about raising your children in a foreign country? Searching for cheaper places to retire?

The Rivivi Meetup is for people who long to change their lives radically and move to another country (or two!), as well as for those who have already done so in the past.

Led by Kristina, a dual US/European citizen who has lived for extended periods in eight countries and speaks 5+ languages, we'll share our hopes and dreams about moving abroad, but also confront the myths, realities and challenges of cultural adaptation.

We'll start with brief introductions, then break into a groups of like-minded peers who will create a list of their burning questions. For example, one group might want to move to France, another wants to know how "free" university in Europe works, while another might be for professionals seeking jobs abroad. Kristina will provide concise but concrete answers to these questions, as well as share resources on how to dig deeper on your own or with your new friends!

KINDLY NOTE: in the spirit of the "cultural agility" that is required to succeed in a foreign country, this group warmly welcomes EVERYONE, regardless of race, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, visible/invisible disabilities, neurodiversity, income levels, passions, interests, etc. The Rivivi Meetup embraces on our shared commonalities as human beings, while simultaneously being conscious of the different experiences we may have in the same context. In respect of everyone's investment of time and energy to reach their dreams quickly, we courageously value transparency and invite all questions that are founded in gentle curiosity.

Follow us on Facebook link below for updates on our upcoming social media channels, the website and the podcast.

Don't hesitate to message me with any questions. See you soon!