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What we’re about

Helmets off to the other motorcycle groups in Rochester, NY. However, they seem to be more cruiser & bike run oriented.

The idea behind this group is to sport ride. We seek out the twistiest roads around and work toward building our riding skills. We also have a strong segment of dual-sport riders.  We gather numbers up for discounts on gear, overnight trips, and even do some advanced training and track days together. When we can't ride we get together for coffee and plan or share rides and talk motorcycles.

Join today. NOTE: DUES ARE NOT MANDATORY. WE REQUEST A $10.00 ANNUAL DONATION to cover the meetup hosting.



  • YOU are responsible for your own safety; ride within your comfort zone
    Organizers and/or various ride hosts do NOT accept responsibility for the failure by anyone to be properly equipped, trained, or otherwise competent to take part in the ride
    Ride with proper riding gear (gloves, jacket, boots, riding pants (not just jeans), DOT helmet) - this is something we take seriously, so don't blow this off

    Motorcycle endorsement required (unless prior communication with organizers)
    Make sure your motorcycle is legal and in proper working order
    FYI: Organizers will NOT be checking participant gear, endorsement or motorcycle condition before rides; Organizers may ask under-geared riders graciously to excuse themselves from a ride.
    Keep a safe distance between other riders (staggered, at least minimum 4 seconds behind rider in front of you, single file in curves)
    No stunting (wheelies, stoppies, etc.)
    No alcohol consumption before or during our ride
    Check individual meet-up "comments" before you depart home in case there is any new pertinent info
    Riding meet-ups may be given the following rankings as needed:  1=slower pace; 2=medium pace w/ some stops; 3=brisk pace limited stops
    Check fuel upon arrival and gas up at that time if necessary
    Enjoy yourself!

Is this the right group for you? Read this to find out:

Start by reading all pages in PAGES section to learn about our group more and what we expect from members. Our PHOTO albums paint a pretty good picture, too.

We are a group with a variety of interests and skill levels. Bar hopping and parade riding are not among them. We rarely ride all together in a "pack". We sport ride, just like the term implies. Riding isn't just a weekend thing for us. We discourage riders get in over their heads. We encourage skill-building. We insist on good riding gear. When we do ride in groups we're upfront with the pace of the ride, gear, etc.

However, in our opinion there is no better "place" locally to develop as a rider than with R-SMaT. We're not typically a "beginner" group, but for someone wanting to grow their skills and focus on the riding part, our riders will welcome you and share how to get there.

Come out and meet us, before riding with us. You won't be intimidated. That you even read this message to the end says something about your motivation to be a true motorcyclist.

Upcoming events (4+)

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