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What we’re about

Ruby Wellington (formally known as Wellrailed, Wellington-Rails) is a Wellington, New Zealand based tech meetup which has been part of the community for well over 10 years! While we're a Ruby meetup, our topics tend to span broad topics - e.g.: pure Ruby, Rails apps, frontend, security, infrastructure and general career and industry topics too.

The meetup currently runs every two months with a bit of a break over summer - typically March, May, July, September and November.

Note: In the past all discussions + meeting details were organised discussed on the Google announced on the Google Group which has mostly been replaced by the RubyNZ Slack.

Getting involved
If you're interested in hosting a meetup or doing a talk please get in touch with co-organisers Jordan Crawford or AJ Esler via or via the RubyNZ Slack.

Talk Recordings
You can watch recordings of talks on the Ruby Wellington YouTube channel.

Meetup Subscription
A massive thank you to RubyNZ who covers the cost of our organiser subscription - this allows us to continue to focus on hosting events.

Cover Photo
The photo of Wellington is from Sulthan Auliya on Unsplash - link
Ruby logo - link

Code of Conduct
At Ruby Wellington events we expect attendees to follow the Ruby NZ code of conduct - see

Upcoming events (1)

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