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What we’re about

Hello fellow book aficionados!

Welcome to the Ruhrgebiet English Book Club (REBoC), the first Ruhrgebiet-based book club!

Guidelines for the group: 
1. Language and book genres: While it is not required that English be your first language, be advised that we only read books written in English. We exclusively read fiction books and try to avoid books that have been translated into English.

2. Book club format: We follow the traditional book club format, meaning that every member of the group reads the same book then we share our opinions and have a discussion about that book at the meeting. Suggestions for our next book can be made at the end of the meeting or posted in our WhatsApp group up to 48 hours after the latest meet-up. We then create a poll with all the book suggestions and share this with all members so they can vote on next month’s book. We close the poll after another 48 hours, and post the details of next month’s book and meeting on both WhatsApp and

3. Reading the chosen book of the month is not a prerequisite for attending the meetings; many people attend the meet-ups having only read part of the book, or having only just started reading. Even if you do not know the name of the book of the month, you are welcome to join us! If you simply did not like the book of the month and this is why you did not read it/finish reading it, please still join in the discussion: we like to hear everyone’s opinion.

4. Time and place: We meet roughly on a monthly basis. The meetings are held on Sundays, but may change to Saturday depending on the availability of the bookclub organisers, Emma and Ellie. We are based in Essen and our current regular meeting place is Eismanufaktur Café Bellissima, near Essen central station. While we are open to changes in time and location, we try not to change the time/place for our meetings too often in order to avoid having members constantly look for the latest meeting point/figure out the logistics of getting there/parking/etc etc.

5. Removal from group: Members who have not actively participated in the group for TWO months or longer (which entails attending a MeetUp, RSVPing, or at the very least visiting the MeetUp page to get updated about activities) will be removed from the group. We like to have an active and dedicated member base.

We are open to any suggestions or feedback. The group guidelines are expected to change based on the preferences of the members.

- REBoC-Team 
(Description was last updated: 20.10.2022)