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What we’re about

Welcome to S.P.A.C.E., a transformative event where your journey towards deeper awareness, authentic connection, and embodied living begins. This is more than just a gathering; it’s a movement, a new way of engaging with yourself and the world around you.

What to expect?
Each event in the S.P.A.C.E. series is carefully curated to guide you through a holistic journey of self-discovery and connection. We blend various practices to create a profound and unique experience:
Embodiment Tools & Psychological Insights: The first part of each event is designed to get grounded in the present moment, using embodiment techniques and psychological insights to heighten your awareness and deepen your experience.
Authentic Relating: We believe that true connection begins with being seen and heard. Through structured, yet organic, authentic relating practices, you’ll have the opportunity to connect deeply with others, building a sense of community where everyone feels understood and valued.
Intuitive Ecstatic Dance Practice: A guided movement experience that encourages you to express yourself freely, release tension, and reconnect with your body’s natural rhythms. This is not about perfecting steps—it’s about surrendering to the music and letting your body speak.
Sound Healing Relaxation: As the journey progresses, we transition into a soothing sound bath that helps integrate your experience, promoting deep relaxation and inner peace. The vibrations of the sound healing session allow you to resonate with your true essence, facilitating healing on both physical and emotional levels.