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Bataan Memorial Death March (26 miles)

Photo of Rob
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Bataan Memorial Death March (26 miles)


A couple of us have decided to do the Bataan Memorial Death March which happens each March at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. If you are interested, go ahead and apply by RSVP'ing. All will be added to the waitlist until I move you over.

This is a 26-mile hike. I will start to post some training hikes and as we get closer to March I will post some events where you can test if you are ready. The cost is $125 per person plus a fee of $36 but if we go as a team then as long as we have 6 folks to split the cost it will be less expensive. For more information on the march click here: FAQs

To learn more about the reason/meaning/history of this march click here:

We will add more information about travel and lodging as we get closer to March and have narrowed down the participants group.

Photo of San Antonio Outdoor Adventurers group
San Antonio Outdoor Adventurers
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RSVPs are closed
Needs a location
10 spots left