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ASD Expressed 🗣️ Online

Photo of Chris Thomas
Hosted By
Chris T.
ASD Expressed 🗣️ Online


Hello people 👋
Join us and tells us a little bit about yourself with understanding peers.

This is an express format of the ASD expressed event. Each speaker willl be given 3 minutes to share on the selected topic. This meetup will run for 40 minutes max

I will start the structured sharing at 5 past the hour so we can get around to everyone.

While hosting my ability to assit with tech will be miminal, I will do my best to set things up beforehand.

Please mute your microphone if you are in a noisy place. No blank screens as they can be off putting.

Please keep your device relatively stable as screen movement can cause motion sickness for some.

The passcode is: L0jEdY

Hope to see you there
🙂 Chris

-==Today’s Topic==-

26: Meltdowns, blow-outs, and mental distress

We all have our breaking points and we all hate being pushed past them. Meltdowns are horrible to experience, they are the product of distress overload, they certainly are not ‘just some autistic thing’.
External meltdown can be embarrassing, and traumatic, Internal meltdowns are horrible without an external display.
Meltdowns, blow-outs, and the sort can be psychologically damaging and take time to recover from

How do you reduce mental distress?

Do you feel meltdowns/distress have damaged you, or caused an anxiety complex?

Can you communicate when you feel that your mental distress is a problem? Or it to too late?

How long does it take to recover from a meltdown?

-== About SAGE ==-
SAGE is a social group for people who identify as being on the autistic spectrum. You do not need a formal diagnosis to come along to events and support people are welcome.
Our core values are respect, acceptance, and community, and by holding to these values we aim to create a friendly and safe place for members to relate to others and have some fun.
New members are always welcome and we understand that it can take courage to attend events if you don’t get out often. Feel free to message event hosts for details or assurance, we want to meet you. We want all our events be psychological safe spaces and do not tolerate aggressive or inappropriate behaviour.
SAGE is entirely volunteer operated and was established in February 2020. If you would like to support SAGE donations are welcome at:

Photo of SAGE (Social Autism Group Events) group
SAGE (Social Autism Group Events)
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10 spots left