香港霎哈嘉瑜伽 免費冥想靜坐班 - 逢星期二晚7時半 FREE beginner meditation class on Every Tuesday night
歡迎你來參加逢星期二 的霎哈嘉冥想瑜伽初班,是絕對值得一試的體驗!
而霎哈嘉瑜伽是具科學性及可被驗証的,因為每一位練習者也能從自己的中樞神經系統(Central Nervous System)中驗証內在不平衡的原因,透過靜坐練習來改善。
創辦人Shri Mataji 從1970開始便到世界各地舉辦講座,教授靜坐瑜珈技巧,所有瑜珈班和講座均不收費。因為創辦人認為,實踐自覺是一種內在與生俱來的能力和權力,並不是、也不能用金錢或物質去購買,至今無數練習者已經分佈全球120多個國家。
日期 : 逢星期二晚上七時半至九時半 (公眾假期除外)
衣著要求: 沒有特别要求,上課時可以坐地或椅子
要帶什麼:(1) 請自備小毛巾(泡腳後清理用) 及 (2) 請帶一顆謙卑、清淨且渴求瑜伽的心。
致電或WhatsApp查詢: 51808808
語言:粵語 + 英語
You are welcome to join the Sahaja Meditation Yoga Beginner Class every Tuesday. It is an experience definitely worth a try!
Sahaja meditation is a simple, time-honored technique. Meditation is based on connecting with the inner chakras (energy centers) and balancing the subtle body. It helps reduce stress and increase health. It brings better focus and helps us to be more focused and balanced. Sahaja Yoga is scientific and verifiable, because each practitioner can also verify the cause of inner imbalance from his or her own central nervous system (Central Nervous System) and improve it through meditation practice.
According to the founder Shri Mataji , this meditation will make you feel a deep sense of harmony, allowing the thoughts to enter into a state of tranquility, stability, but complete awakening.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation - the gateway to inner peace, joy and enlightenment!
Founder Shri Mataji has been spreading sahaja yoga around the world since 1970 to give en-mass self-realization and teach meditation skills, and all yoga classes and lectures are free of charge. Shri Mataji and we all believe that actualizing self-realization is an innate ability and inherent right for everyone, not, and can not be purchased with money or material. We now have numerous practitioners in over 120 countries around the world.
Beginners or those who are already practising meditation are welcome to come to learn this Sahaja Yoga meditation, which is unique and different from other meditation methods.Intermediate level classes (Thursdays & Saturdays) welcome those who have participated in 4 or more classes and are interested in exploring more in-depth and deeper meditation knowledge.
Hope to see you soon in our class. (except public holidays)
Language: Cantonese + English
Instant call or WhatsApp: 51808808 Contact Hong Kong Sahaja Yoga
Facebook (Non-profit organization)
Every week on Tuesday
香港霎哈嘉瑜伽 免費冥想靜坐班 - 逢星期二晚7時半 FREE beginner meditation class on Every Tuesday night