Meditation with Salem Zen Center@Miao Chung Temple
This event is offered by the Salem Zen Center
Please feel heartily invited to join us in person (and remotely via Zoom) each Tuesday Evening in the Miao Chung Buddhist Temple, at 1485 Mill St SE, Salem, OR 97301.
(A beginner’s lecture is provided each week during our 7:00-8:45 p.m. in-person meditation)
To verify this event day and time information, check our webpage for any changes:
5:30-6:30 p.m. - Silent Meditation (in person only, must attend one(1) beginning instruction lecture before attending)
7:00-8:45 p.m. - Chanting, meditation, silent tea and a short Dharma Talk
(in person or online)
To join any Tuesday evening online @ 7:00 p.m. follow this link:
If requested, the password is 633005
Our snow/ bad weather policy is to cancel meditation when/if Salem Keizer Schools cancel evening programs and we post this here and on our FaceBook page.
Saturday Meditations (offered online only) are from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m.
Each Saturday Emily coordinates a meditation and a morning poem along with other hearty Sangha members:
To join any Saturday morning meditation follow this link:
If requested, the password is 741312
Every week on Tuesday
Meditation with Salem Zen Center@Miao Chung Temple