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Dance in the morning! Wake up with a refreshed head and body and start your day

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casa de samba t.
Dance in the morning! Wake up with a refreshed head and body and start your day


Do you feel that it is difficult to wake up and feel tired every day?
If so, morning exercise is exactly what you need.
Morning exercise has nothing but benefits!
Getting up early means that you will naturally go to bed earlier. Waking up early and getting some sunshine will regulate your body clock and release happy hormones.
Research has shown that waking up in the morning and exercising before breakfast is effective for weight loss.
Exercise improves blood flow, as you can see. The same is true for blood flow in the brain. Research has shown that blood flow to the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for judgment and cognitive abilities, also improves and its power is enhanced. By doing this exercise in the morning when you start your day, you will be able to improve your performance for the day's work and activities.
In my classes, we dance to music to get a good workout. Running and strength training may seem boring and painful, but by dancing to the sound while listening to music, you can enjoy the exercise. Also, by dancing while looking in the mirror, you will become more conscious about your posture and your body.
You can be healthy, beautiful, and enjoyable, and you will also get more done at work and in your studies.
Please give it a try!


Photo of Samba Dance for Wellness and new friendshipダンスで新しい趣味と友達を作る! group
Samba Dance for Wellness and new friendshipダンスで新しい趣味と友達を作る!
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Every week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday until October 2, 2024

Studio Alpha
新宿区新宿5-8-21サンジュリ2階 · Shinjuku City
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