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What we’re about

Join if you want to develop more of your mind and spirit, and are not satisfied with a life limited by your physical self. Join if you want to live from a higher intelligence than the human brain.

We are a community of leaders and seekers who are actively evolving ourselves, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

We know that without basic emotional intelligence and heart/brain coherence, the intellect creates things that humanity is not mature enough to manage responsibly. (Nuclear weapons, social media, pollution, potentially AI) This causes imbalance and suffering in our own lives, and in our world at large.

The primary goal of this group is expanding our consciousness, and becoming more aware of and more responsible for our profound power as creators. We are committed to becoming self-realized, productive, contributing human beings.

We don't just talk about it and theorize, we are consistently practicing methods that work. Some of us have been practicing successfully for decades. We measure and celebrate our growth from month to month, year to year.

We respect other people's paths, while sharing our own ideas and inspirations.

This group is not about psychedelics, but is about consciousness-expanding disciplines that don't use chemical crutches.

NOTE: We do not connect people with any illegal substances or providers. Please do not contact us seeking those things.