What we’re about
WELCOME friends!!
San Antonio H Friends is an independent social and support group for those 18 or older who have been diagnosed with Herpes HSV1, HSV2 and/or HPV in the San Antonio and surrounding areas. We are not medical or legal professionals; we are a member led support/social group. The purpose of this group is to give out support and share our knowledge of our commonality.
We host 2 sponsored events each month... a Happy Hour and Newcomers Luncheon. Also, our members host several ‘impromptu’ events throughout the month…there is never a dull moment with us!
Your RSVP will help others decide to come out, as well as, help the organizers plan for seating. We prefer to set things up so our group can sit together and give everyone a chance to get to know one another. Please update your RSVP if life happens and you aren't able to attend.
Our member's privacy is important to us. San Antonio H Friends MeetUp group (as well as our other outreach platforms) is set to PRIVATE or SECRET meaning that only approved members can see the details of our events, the location and comments within each of those platforms. We support Yahoo Groups, Facebook and now MeetUp.
***We do not "vet" our membership by anything other than asking if you have a HSV/HPV diagnosis…online safety and privacy is always recommended***
For those members who would like to take extra steps for privacy, we recommend that you create a separate email account exclusively for your H activities, remove your last name from your profile, set your MeetUp group settings to ‘hide your groups’ and if you are interested in our Facebook page (which we HIGHLY recommend), you may consider creating a separate profile.
To join the San Antonio H Friends Facebook group, please email one of us below and let us know you want to be added...
Alyssa: [email protected]
Nicole: [email protected]
San Antonio H Friends does have a set membership rules that we expect all members to abide by, you will receive that information in a separate message. You have taken the first step in finding us, now join and attend an event; we don’t think you will regret it.
Hope to meet you soon!