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What we’re about

This is a billiards meetup group for the San Diego area. The group is open to pool players of all skill levels. The goal is to have a fun and safe place for everyone to get together and socialize, while sharing their love for the game of pool/billiards. The real meaning or purpose of this meetup group, is not to determine who is the best player, but rather to share skillsets and especially to mentor less experienced players.

Sharing knowledge and skills from the game of billiards with each other, as well as sharing our passion for the game is what makes this pool meetup group great! These games are all totally for fun, it's not a tournament or league, just casual "pick-up" games and socialization. *We are also always looking for new places to hold a meetup, if you have any suggestions of places to meet with tables please feel free to suggest.*

People can play any game or version of Billiards that you agree upon. There is no requirement be restricted to only '8-ball' or '9-ball', games like high-mid-low are also welcome to keep the tables going. As long as all the players agree upon a set of rules, you can rack any kind of game that you desire to play!

Ps. If there are highly experienced players that want to have a 'grudge' match, that's also fine, just keep it between the most experienced players as to not intimidate any newcomers or learners. The vibe should be not to push "overly competitive" play onto people and potentially intimidate them from wanting to learn more. Less experienced or skilled players should want to come and learn to practice casually just for fun. Those are the kind of vibes and attitudes that I want to maintain within the group.
Thank you!