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What we’re about

Este grupo es para profesionales jóvenes que trabajan entre 25 y 55 años y que están interesados ​​en conocer a otras personas en eventos y quieren conocer gente expatriada, local y otros profesionales que quieran ampliar su vida social.
En realidad, no es un grupo de solteros, sino un grupo que te ayudará a hacer nuevos amigos, conexiones y otras personas con ideas afines.

This group is for working younger professionals in their late 25-55 who are interested in meeting other people at events and want to meet people who are expats,locals and other professionals who want to expand their social life.
It's not really a singles group but a group that will help you make new friends and connections and other likeminded people.

We can meet other people for some nights that include wine socials, language exchange, Coffee meetups and other events that are exciting but help you expand socially

  • Digital Nomads
    -Local Working Professionals
  • Santo Domingo Residents

Upcoming events

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