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Kodokan Goshin Jutsu introduction

Photo of Jeffrey Conn
Hosted By
Jeffrey C.


You are invited to attend a two hour introduction to the Kodokan Goshin Jutsu kata, a series of self-defense techniques against unarmed and armed attackers. We will ONLY cover the first set of unarmed attacks in this session. These involve attacks when grabbed or held, and there are seven techniques to this section. As this kata was largely influenced by Kenji Tomiki, who also developed the form of Aikido some of us practice, it benefits those studying both arts. Participation will require completing a waiver form, available at the dojo. Jim Conway and Jeff Conn will be presenting for this event.

Photo of Sarasota Traditional Kodokan Judo Meetup group
Sarasota Traditional Kodokan Judo Meetup
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Nokido Jujitsu
1050 Innovation Ave., Unit B109 · North Port, FL
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