What we’re about
Looking for reasons to wear saree more and socialize with likeminded women who love this attire. Pair it up with Wine and Cheese, occasionally lunches and other events. Have some fun and most importantly free the saree from our closets in London Town.
My reason for starting this group is purely the love for the attire and to do something about not having enough opportunities to wear one in London Town
Follow us on Instagram to get latest updates on events and get together @SareeclubLondon or use the link below -
Upcoming events (2)
See all- ***Location Change due to the weather *** March Saree Club Meet upTraders Wine Bar, London
Saree, Holi and Lunch.
Location and plans have Changed due to weather. We will now meet at Traders Wine Bar, St Katherine Docks Traders Wine Bar
We can still use colour to have ceremonial play of Hol
Dress code: Saree
Place server wine, charcuterie boards and lights bites. There are no pre payments needed for the event, but out of respect etc for the place, please be prepared to buy a drink.
Not open