What we’re about
If you like board games, this is the place for you!
Board games have come a long way since the days of Monopoly and Clue! We'll play a variety of games that combine elements such as strategy vs. luck, competition vs. cooperation, and single vs. multiple paths to scoring points/winning a game, to name a few.
We will meet at King Me Boardgamery: admission fee is $7 for unlimited play of a wide selection of board games. Food and non-alcoholic drinks are extra. For more info on King Me check out their website: https://kingmeboardgamery.com. Occasionally we will meet at other places too.
Everyone is welcome. To this end, we will usually play games where players are not eliminated from the game.
Spots are limited. Therefore, if you sign up, plan to attend. If you cancel, please do so 24+ hours in advance so that someone else can take your spot.
Let the games begin!