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What we’re about

Hi there! Welcome to the rock and indoor climbing branch of Scottish Hillwalking & Activities Group, Scottish Hillwalking & Activities Group - Climbing. If you are interested in hillwalking, you can find our walking branch at

We're a  friendly group that was founded to be run by the members for the members. We encourage members to "own the group" and help keep the page active by hosting events, but there is definitely no requirement to do so. 

Rock climbing
We have a dedicated core of climbers. There are regular weekly meetups at the Glasgow Climbing Centre and The Climbing Academy. In addition, we host occasional events at Ratho, the Alien Rock venues in Edinburgh and the new climbing centre Above Adventure in Kilmarnock. The group also holds regular rock climbing meets at local crags when the weather is fine, and snow/ice climbs through the winter. Many of these are arranged on group nights at the last minute, due to our fickle weather, so being an active member opens up more options to you. 
Further afield, we usually have an annual bouldering trip to Fontainebleau and a European sport climbing trip. Again, you need to be active members to be invited to these.

We are a beginner friendly group and we run several indoor and outdoor introduction events a year for bouldering, trad, sport climbing and belaying. Please note that events involving rope management skills are restricted to members that can already belay safely.

The organiser of an event is the point of contact for the event.  Organisers are volunteers who are sharing their own experience with others, so those of lesser experience should be aware of this.

The group is completely free to join, but we may occasionally ask for a voluntary £3 donation to help cover the cost of hosting the group on
If you would like to get involved in organising events, please feel free to get in touch with Mountain Goat via my Meetup profile.

Look forward to seeing you on a meetup soon,

Mountain Goat

Upcoming events (4+)

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