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Winter Solstice Bonfire and Potluck

Photo of Yulia
Hosted By
Yulia and Dr. Jackie F.
Winter Solstice Bonfire and Potluck


Celebrate the beginning of Winter with a warm drink around a fire with fellow humans and in nature. Share your memories, traditions and hopes for the coming season.

According to the calendar, the solstice is on Saturday, December 21, 2024. This day is the shortest day and longest night of the year. There are many traditions to celebrate the solstice and we can talk about some of them, from Juul to Saturnalia, to Gody and other ways to celebrate this day of seasonal change.

We will meet in Jackie's yard to honor the day marking the change of the seasons with friends, hot cider, and finger foods. Please, bring something tasty to share with the group. This event will take place outside, so please dress accordingly. There will be plenty of seating available. The rain date for this event will be Sunday 12/22.

COST: $10.00 - $25.00 on a sliding scale, all donations in support of the group are gratefully accepted. The payment system says $10, you can raise that if you want. Or pay by check: Seacoast Permaculture, 219 France Rd, Barrington NH 03825.

Led By: Jackie Frobese and Yulia Rothenberg. Dr. Jackie has been a member of the Seacoast Permaculture group for over 10 years. She is a doctor of chiropractic and a reiki master. Jackie has a keen interest in natural health, plants as food and medicine, food preservation, and making the most of everything. Yulia is a passionate environmental and community engagement advocate and has been learning the ropes of permaculture community design and systems thinking.

Photo of Seacoast NH Permaculture group
Seacoast NH Permaculture
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Jackie Frobese's Home
131 Tebbetts Rd · Rochester, nh
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