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What we’re about

As a child and young adult, I used to get more seasick and motion sick than anyone else I knew. I loved the ocean and boats and sailing, but found being on the water very difficult unless the sea was really peaceful. My father, on the other hand, never got seasick. He was proud of telling stories of how, when he was a boy, he was on a rough cruise with his parents, and he was the only one in the dining room eating dinner. My mother, on the other hand, got seasick, although not as badly as me.

However, in my twenties, I studied the differences between my father and myself and my mother and discovered a method of combatting motion sickness that allowed me to overcome it. For much of my adult life, I've been able to be on boats no matter how choppy the water. I've never taught my technique to anyone before, but I'm thinking about doing it now. The purpose of this group is to see if anyone else is interested in trying my technique, and for me to work out the details of teaching it. Let me know if this interests you!

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