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What we’re about

Justice for Animals (JFA) is an animal rights street movement and a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We show bystanders the realities of animal agriculture and teach them the only alternative: veganism.

We currently have two formats: structures and pay-per-views.

In structures, some volunteers stand in a silent structure and hold footage of animal agriculture. Meanwhile, volunteers outside the structure outreach to viewers who've stopped to watch.

In pay-per-views, volunteers pay bystanders to watch a video that shows the realities of animal agriculture. Volunteers then discuss the videos with viewers. This format uses less personal outreach but can educate many with few volunteers and has been very effective.

These are our main formats for fulfilling our key components: footage and outreach. However, other formats are welcome.

We currently have organizers in Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, and Bellingham.