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What we’re about

The Mirror Darkly Series

We believe pain can be transformed into creative expression through Artist-Inspired Expressive Writing. To reveal our tragedy is to transform it. Shadow Work is the beginning of bringing the unconscious to the surface. It is only when we have self-awareness that the power of choice is returned to us.

We believe connection, compassion, and catharsis can is created through an intimate community of kindred Journal-Artists.

We believe that the mystery of love will heal the deepest parts of ourselves that have been repressed and suppressed. We believe that creative expression will transform depression, that anchor will transform anxiety, that narrative drama will transform trauma. We are a community of Artists & Journal-Artists committed to the act of revealing, feeling, and healing.

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who does not understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” -

Cynthia Occelli

Our workshops are facilitated on The Love Story Discord server by seasoned and skilled creative writers. These Love Story community members are compassionate mentors who have experience holding space for other people's breaking open process. The space was created from the same energy as a support meeting and holds the same respect sacredness to the vulnerable state we journal from. It is meant for healing, empathy, and compassion.

Who is a Journal-Artist?

A Journal-Artist is someone tasked to investigate one's own life experiences through narrative storytelling, and in the process of investigating, we hold ourselves accountable to the discipline of love defined.

Benefits of Becoming a Journal-Artist:

1.     Cultivate self-awareness

2.     Achieve a sound mind and clear thoughts

3.     Create a legacy through memory capsules (chronicling your journal entries)

4.     Boost emotional Intelligence Validate your experience

5.     Affirm what you have gone through

6.     Strengthen self-discipline through the habit of journaling

7.     Improve communication skills

8.     Grow with strength, confidence, and assertiveness

9.     Spark creativity

10.  Increase self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect.

11.  Compatible with CBT, CFT, MBCBT, ACT, and DBT

12.  Balance your emotions, boost clarity, self-empowerment and

13.  Self-discovery through reflective writing.

What You Get: One hour of focused guidance on how to Journal your pain into passion. To transform tragedy is to first understand it.

No special training is required to journal with us!

You do not need to be a “writer” or have experience with this kind of environment.

Everyone is welcome!

Helpful links-

Love Story Mission and About Us

Our Message is:

1.     There is nothing wrong with you.

2.     You are not alone.

3.     There is a purpose to pain—it is your task to discover it.

Though we are all unique, with our individual journey to take, with our individual destiny to make, with our mistakes and stakes to face, we all have one constant Way or Dao to aim for when we proceed from point A to point B. This Way is universal and constant, despite all other things changing, evolving, and manifesting, and we believe that this Way is Love defined in 1 Corinthians 13. KJV

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

— 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV

We look forward to journaling with you!

Keep Calm & Journal On,

The Love Story Creatives

Link to the Newcomers Guide Please check out this link for more information or our website