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Alki Beach Stair Walk (Round 2)

Photo of Paul West
Hosted By
Paul W.
Alki Beach Stair Walk (Round 2)


Alki Beach Stair Walk:
5.9 Miles Long
717 Steps Up 416 Steps Down
Alki is a pretty walk. There are some pretty challenging stairs so be ready for a good workout...and bring water and snacks ;-) This walk also goes through the very beautiful Schmitz Park.
This is the clockwise version of the walk. We also NOT be walking on the beach due to the tides. The short cut will remove a very minor part of the walk. ( you will still be very tired even without the beach LOL)
Look for Red Bronco on the street at Alki. We can meet at my car.

Photo of Seattle Stair Walkers Meetup Group group
Seattle Stair Walkers Meetup Group
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Alki Stair Walk Start
53rd Ave SW and Alki Ave SW · Seattle, wa
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