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What we’re about

Aikido is a Japanese martial art now practiced internationally. Aikido literally means "the Way" (do) of "harmony" (ai) with "energy or nature (Ki)." It's not primarily a system of combat, but rather a means of self-cultivation and improvement. Aikido has no tournaments, competitions, contests, or "sparring." Instead, all aikido techniques are learned cooperatively at a pace commensurate with the abilities of each trainee.
Founded in the U.S. by Roderick Kobayashi Sensei, the objectives of Seidokan Aikido are to study the philosophy and the arts of aikido and further develop them to best suit the modern way of life. Seidokan follows the line of tradition which encourages ongoing refinement of the art to accommodate a modern way of life. Technique tends to utilize movements which are very small and economical. Manifesting the principles of oneness and "loving protection of all things" is the goal of Seidokan practice.
Seidokan Aikido of Tokyo was founded in 1995 as an official dojo of Seidokan Aikido. Our aim is to promote the understanding and application of aikido principles through regular practice in the dojo. Students can learn a modern style of aikido in an international environment. SENSEI
The class is taught in English and led by Chris Koprowski, who hails from Duluth, MN (USA). He has been living and working in Tokyo since 1993, and has been teaching Seidokan Aikido since 1994. He currently holds the rank of godan (5th degree black belt) and is a certified "shidoin" (instructor) in Seidokan Aikido.
Our dojo welcomes students of all levels--both men and women, Japanese and non-Japanese.
The first month of instruction is FREE. Afterwards, dojo membership fees are ¥1,000/month or ¥10,000/year. This covers instruction, exams, and dojo administration. In addition, the sports center charges a ¥320 facility fee each visit. Our classes are not officially registered with the sports center and take place when the facility is open to the public. This means sharing the dojo space with other groups.
Please wear loose fitting clothing that you can move around in. Later, a dogi (practice uniform) can be purchased and is recommended. We can provide a map to a budo supply store.
Promotional tests are conducted periodically and eligibility depends largely upon regularity of attendance, understanding of technique and aikido principles.
Saturday classes are held 1:00 - 2:45pm at Kami Itabashi Sports Center. A 9-min walk from Kami Itabashi station (Tobu Tojo line).
For more information, please contact Chris at [email protected].


東京誠道館は性や出身を問わず様々なレベルの方を歓迎します。参加したい方は まずクリス先生まで連絡して下さい。
初月の稽古は無料です。その後の会費は月額1,000円、または先払いの場合、年 額10,000円となります。これには稽古代、試験代、その他の道場参加費などが含 まれます。但し、スポーツセンターの施設使用料として1回あたり320円が別途必 要となります。稽古はスポーツセンターの施設を貸しきっているものではなく、 道場が一般解放されている際に開催しています。従いまして、稽古の際には他の グループの方々と道場を共有する場合があります。
胴着がない場合には、動きやすい洋服を着て下さい。胴着は7千円程で買えま す。武道屋にも売っていますので、興味がある方には地図を差し上げます。
帯色取得の昇級・昇段審査が定期的に行われます。日々稽古を継続することで、 およそ半年で一つ上の昇級・昇段が期待出来ます。本道場のほとんど生徒は、黒 帯取得に3年から4年かかっています。
詳しい情報は司 [email protected] まで下さいj

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