Special Format TT Event @ Jurong West Sports Hall
Welcome to Jurong West Meetup Group!
Participants: Preferably from lower Intermediate to upper Intermediate level; No age limit.
Priority is given to regulars, intermediate-level players, and players who have their private message function switched on. If you don't have it switched on, I cannot ask for your availability and skill level, etc
Please bring your own bat. balls will be provided.
We will be collecting $2 per person. Please pay on the day to the host before your games.
Any cancellation of slots on the day of the event will result in a $2 penalty unless a suitable replacement player is found to take over the slot.
Kindly show courtesy to inform host if you are not able to make it for the session. No-show will result in a $2 penalty and possible ban for future meetup session.
Thank you very much.
Your friendly host
The tables will be posted in meetup closer to the date.
Special Format TT Event @ Jurong West Sports Hall