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SRM 2081-09: Eviction Notice

Photo of James Constantino
Hosted By
James C. and Nicholas P.


The Sprawl devours the city, block by block and building by building. Sometimes some enterprising corp decides to recover a sliver here or there. Unfortunately when that happens there are usually squatters who have claimed that corner of the Sprawl for themselves that need to be... relocated. When work of that nature needs to be done, who they call? Guess it's your lucky day chummer.

SRM 2081-09: Eviction Notice is a SRM 6e legal Missions play event. All materials will be provided, new players are always welcome.

Photo of Shadowrun at the Gritty Goblin group
Shadowrun at the Gritty Goblin
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Gritty Goblin
6420 Freetown Road · Columbia, MD
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