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What we’re about

Hello and Welcome to Sheep Town Social Group (STSG)!
STSG's aim is to be one of the best and busiest social groups based in Skipton. MeetUp is all about being involved!

Members are encouraged to post Events - it can't all fall to the Group Organizer to do this!

The Event Types listed in the Message Boards 'Hosting Events' thread at the link below are ones we would be mainly interested in hosting for the time being. If you have some Event ideas, or want to host an Event yourself, and it isn't listed below, please message me directly and let me know so we can work it out:

Covid 19 (and variants) look like being with us for some considerable time! When attending Events, please bear in mind all legal requirements for social mixing and distancing. Please do carry hand-gel and masks. Please also consider the feelings of other members - some people have contact with elderly or vulnerable people and really don't want C19!
Some Events, such as Pub Quiz, aren't hosted directly by our Members but by the venues themselves. Most other Events are hosted by our Members. Some Events won't be possible due to C19 until National and Local restrictions allow. Sign up to your local council's C19 notification emails to keep updated.

MeetUp Fees
Membership of MeetUp Inc. costs the Group Organizer around (currently) £200 per year, payable in two 6-monthly installments, so to recover our costs, we have set an Annual Membership Fee of £5. Please feel free to join us a few times at no cost to check us out and see if you want to join. We don't charge per Event so you won't be asked for money when you turn up for one! (See the Message Boards for more details about Event Hosting!)

Please note that, unless there are exceptional circumstances (decided solely by the Group Organizer), your Membership Fee is non-refundable.

Membership Timeout
Membership of this group requires Active Participation. If you haven't visited the group home page in 2 months and/or haven't participated in Events, you may be removed from the Active Membership List (AML). If you wish, you may rejoin at any time. Active Participation in the group is strongly encouraged, afterall, it IS a social group!

Generally, STSG is open to people of all ages 18 and over. Some Events will be 'Family Friendly' with recommended age restrictions and some will be 'Dog Friendly'. An Event Host should clearly mark these details in the Event Description and if they haven't, feel free to contact them to clarify.

Please be courteous and nice to other Members. Abuse won't be tolerated and any Members involved will be removed, banned and reported to MeetUp Inc. If you have any problems with any other Members, or have received unsolicited or unwanted personal messages from anyone, please forward the messages to me and we'll discuss options!

I hope you enjoy being an active part of STSG!
Best regards,
Group Organizer
