Ride Bikes Together in the Harrisonburg Holiday Parade
Join the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition as we ride bicycles in the 2023 Harrisonburg Holiday Parade. Dress Up! Decorate your bicycles! Bring your kids! Bring your wacky bikes!
Here are the details:
***We must be lined up at the Rockingham County Government Center by 6:30 PM. PLEASE JOIN us by 6:45 pm
-Everyone is welcome. Just be sure to bring your bike and helmet!
-Your bike and/or person should be decorated or in costume.
-You MUST wear a helmet to ride in the parade (City of Harrisonburg Rules)
-You cannot dress as Santa or Ms. Claus
-The parade will begin promptly at 7 p.m. and is approximately 1 mile long - beginning at the corner of Gay and Main St. and ends at City Hall.
-Be sure to dress warmly as we may have to wait a while in the staging area for the parade to begin.
- If you are handing out candy/information/etc., please do not throw those items from your bike - but you can walk to the edge of the sidewalk and hand out to spectators.
Ride Bikes Together in the Harrisonburg Holiday Parade