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What we’re about

This is a group for fun, mischief, and shenanigans, just a bunch of people who like to go out and meet new people, probably over a few beers (or a half dozen of them). Looking for like-minded positive people to make friends and let loose.

**Attendees are to be respectful to everyone who attends so we can have a safe, comfortable environment.** Anything less than polite behavior to waiters or venue staff will not be tolerated, we are their guests.


  • Due to the increasing number of venues requiring a minimum spend, we ask that you aim to spend at least $10 for any event at a restaurant or bar.
  • Event fees won't be charged for events that incur no cost to organizer.
  • Fees may be charged for any events that require supplies and/or admission/registration costs.
  • The group organizers never profit from events and their time is volunteered. Respect your organizers, as they are the reason you have events to attend.

No Shows
No shows for smaller events with reservations will be subject to removal from waitlisted events.

Profile Requirements
As much as we like to be silly and fun, we do need to be responsible and know who our members are. Please make sure your profile has your first name (this can be your 'western' name if you prefer), please no nicknames (we can assign you a nickname).

Ideally your photo will be a clear pic of your face so that we can recognize you. At the very least, please make sure you are in your picture.

Upcoming events (3)

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