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Shut Up & Write!® - Village Books in Fairhaven

Photo of Kendra Wagner
Hosted By
Kendra W.
Shut Up & Write!® - Village Books in Fairhaven


Join us for an hour or more of writing!
No need to sign-up via Meet-Up.

We all know how writing IN-PERSON with other writers is strikingly different from doing it in isolation.

Fridays from 9:15 am-10:30, at the Writer's Corner of the cafe (3rd floor). 9:15 start, since they open at 9:00. You can arrive early to settle in.

Be it a book, blog, script, essay, dissertation, resume, melody, poem or work stuff, you are invited to write it with us.
No one will see what you've written or give unsolicited advice.

9:15 - Quick introductions and intentions for the session
9:25 - Timer starts: write for 70 minutes - most often for that time.
10:35- Optional Check-in about our progress.
Feel free to keep writing (room reserved until 11)

A write-up about the group - February 2024 WWU newsletter

BEING LATE IS OKAY: just show up and get settled.

What Should I Bring?
Whatever you need to be able to write! Analog or Digital
Bring earbuds/earplugs if you want to block the cafe’s overhead music.
Limited outlets available.

Photo of Shut Up & Write!® Bellingham group
Shut Up & Write!® Bellingham
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Every week on Friday until January 13, 2025

Village Books and Paper Dreams
1200 11th St · Bellingham, WA
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