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Let's Have A Holiday Social

Photo of Shawn Britton
Hosted By
Shawn B.


Here is an excellent opportunity to socialize with other environmental advocates, meet our chapter leaders, learn about our Environmental Stewardship program, and learn how you can get involved in our current campaigns. We hope to see you! Dinner provided.
We will talk about our various programs, the chief of which is our Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP) 9.0; this ESP program provides an excellent opportunity to learn about critical environmental issues and take action to protect our environment.
If you have been thinking about engaging in meaningful environmental protection activities and looking forward to having fun meeting fellow environmentalists, this program is for you.
More info and Optional Registration here.
Questions? [email protected]

Photo of Sierra Club Loma Prieta Family Explorers group
Sierra Club Loma Prieta Family Explorers
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