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Presentation: Russian aggression and its impact

Photo of Kathleen Jarvis
Hosted By
Kathleen J.
Presentation:  Russian aggression and its impact



Russian aggression and its impact

Since the war began, emergency Dr. Jack Rosoff has traveled extensively throughout Ukraine. Join him for a discussion about his trips and learn about the Freedom School and Safe Haven Hnidechsko Orphanage of Ukraine.

The picture above is artwork created in an art therapy session for children who had lost their parents in the war. These pretty circular pillars are shell casings hanging in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the Museum of International Folk Art.

The lecture starts at 1:00, but it would be nice to meet and chat with some of our members, so if you are able, please arrive 10 or 15 minutes early, and I'll have some seats saved. We can be in touch about how to find each other. Also I'll bring cookies for visiting around the tables near the library. BYOB

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