Photo Forum – Sharing Photography ideas, images, questions, and inspirations
"Photo Forum" is our monthly opportunity to share ideas, images, questions, and inspirations on a wide variety of photographic topics.
This is an ONLINE EVENT!!
We will meet using Zoom. A link will be sent to all that RSVP yes.
What’s on your mind, photographically? Opinions, Observations, Questions, Exhibits, Reviews, etc.
## Presentations:
- “Inside the Stone” – Kent Mason
- “Circumstantial Awareness by Mobile Photography” – Ilona Linnoila
- We are soliciting presenters. Contact Dennis ( [email protected] ) if you’d like to present something!
Image Critiques:
Send up to 2 images you would like to share and get feedback on.
You have a choice of receiving image critiques, editing suggestions, or just sharing. Indicate which you would like in your email.
This month’s theme will be Open
Send up to 2 jpg images. Your jpg images can be up to 1 MB size each. Include your name in the filename. (please use our digital Competition specs for size: ) .
Send your images to Dennis Freeman before 5:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, Dec 18. (dennisfreeman4510 at
We are looking for volunteers to present for this and future months. Contact Dennis ( dennisfreeman4510 at ) with your idea.
This is expected to be a great evening of sharing and learning. What topics would you like to explore? Topics can be wide ranging, such as photo book reviews, an aspect of your own photography that you’d like to share, reviews or discussion of shows, photo gear, software, etc.
Please join us for a fun and educational evening!
This is an ONLINE EVENT!! We will meet using Zoom. A link will be sent to all that RSVP yes.
About the Silver Spring Camera Club
We meet the first three Thursdays of every month, September – May, and one day each month on a weekend for a field trip to an interesting photogenic location in the area.
More information about the Silver Spring Camera Club can be found on our website ( regarding speakers, competition, education, open forum topics and even where we're going to meet on our field trip.
Don’t forget to read our PSA award winning newsletter the Cable Release for even more detailed information about all our activities and other items of photographic interest.
We hope to see you at a meeting soon.
Visitors to the Club are always welcome to attend meetings.
Membership is a very reasonable $50 for individual members, $80 for family and only $35 for students. Please see the link to our membership application, below, for available discounts.
Why become a member of the Silver Spring Camera Club? We are a diverse group of photographers who love field trips, competitions, opportunities to see the world captured by other people's viewpoints, and sharing our knowledge, experience and love of photography.
Membership in the club gives you the opportunity to enter your photos in our monthly competitions, to receive our award-winning monthly newsletter the Cable Release, join our field trips without paying the $10 non-member fee, and more!
Here's a link to our printable Membership Application.
Visit us on the web:
Photo Forum – Sharing Photography ideas, images, questions, and inspirations