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What we’re about

Welcome to Sing-On!

Yes, you got it right. It is back! For those who don’t know, this group is one of the OGs that started in 2015. I’m proud to have led the group that made several friendships and gave some members new pathways to build their own set ups that bring them joy.

This, unlike before, is not for beginner karaoke singers.

You should join the group if you,

  • aspire to grow your singing skills.
  • have been part of karaoke groups before and have enjoyed attending events.
  • feel that you can sing to the beat for the most part (kind-of required). No off-beat singing please.
  • can be a proactive member by participating or by adding value to the group by offering to host events or co organizing social events.

If you have requested to join the group then just send me a clip of your song using the info on your request questions so I can add you to the group.

That said, please remember that we gather to sing to make ourselves happy and to share that happiness with others, and not as a contest to see who is a better singer. We are super basic and very simple, yet fun. Certainly, not on a mission to be different, fancy, or popular. Here only for the love of music.

At times, we will have themes that will push you to sing outside of your comfort zone and try new songs/singers.

What will our events look like?
Events will be hosted by us, the members. The group size at each event will be capped at 15-18 members.

Only members will be able to sing at events. You can bring your guests to enjoy listening to our singers, and to have fun and socialize but they won’t be allowed to sing at events unless they become members.

What will we eat?
Food is always such a big part of gatherings. In the past, we have had potlucks for the most part. But, because, potluck has its own cons such as doubled dishes, less quantity, mismatched items, or simply inconvenience, this time we will be ordering in our food each time. So, please be prepared for a food cost of approx $15-20 per person. Bringing in finger foods or light snacks for sharing at events is highly encouraged.


What's the 'Socials' part?
Sometimes we may gather and do other fun things like movies, dinners etc. You will be able to co host these events and organize them as your events on this group if you would like to do so.

Please do not join the group if you,

  • are mostly unhappy with the way others organize and run things
  • mostly have negative sentiments for others

As my dear friend Anju says: aao, gaao, khaao, jaao. Keep it simple. :)

I will remove members that are forever inactive simply because they have no reason to be in the group at that point.

Code of conduct: The purpose of the group is self-explanatory. Misconduct of any kind (e.g., disrespect, offensive language, unnecessary drama, inappropriate advances) when seen or reported will result in your immediate removal, regardless of how valuable you are to the group. This is most definitely non-negotiable. Also, if your intent is to find dates here then you are in the wrong group. Our gatherings are meant to be family-like, fun, and most importantly safe.

Safety- Any injury at an event or on premises of the host will not be the group’s or the host’s responsibility. You have to take care of yourself and be responsible for your limitations. If you have allergies, or dietary or health restrictions then please make sure not to eat those foods or over exert during singing or dancing. We will also not be liable for Covid. Please participate at your own risk.

I’m sure you all will agree that there is no need for more stress than there already is in everyone’s lives. So, please be a good group citizen, and use your common sense and positive vibe to help make events enjoyable for everyone.