What we’re about
Are you searching for meaning in your life?
Have you ever felt happiness in your life...
...never lasts?
This Buddhist group has a great positive, multi-cultural atmosphere that helps people search for the answer to life's biggest questions. Through the teachings of Buddha and historical Pure Land Buddhist teachers we understand better the direction our life needs to take in order to find the purpose of life.
We offer video lectures and have meetings to discuss how to obtain an absolute form of happiness.
I hope you'll stop by and attend a meeting when you have a chance!
Below, you'll find some more information about what Buddhism is all about as well as our contact info and location.
In Buddhism, we learn that there are two kinds of joy.
Relative Happiness
All the happiness we know is called Relative Happiness. Money, status, fame, wealth, family, friends, and our loved ones are all included in this category. Politics, economics, medicine, and the arts also try to provide us with Relative happiness.
We seek for this type of happiness day in, day out hoping we can attain true satisfaction from it.
Absolute Happiness
We are all seeking for a happiness which will truly last. This kind of happiness is called Absolute Happiness. The purpose of life is to attain it as quickly as possible while still alive.
Learn more at our meetups
and check out some of our topics:
The Law of Cause and Effect
Six Good Deeds that Bring Happiness
Mirror of Truth
Dark Mind is the Root Cause of Suffering
Presented by IBA - 國際佛學院
國際佛學院 -IBA (International Buddhist Academy), 母校位於日本富山縣, 是世界唯一教導佛教教義的國際學院.
學生有來自日本, 台灣, 香港, 美國, 英國, 巴西, 肯亞, 馬來西亞, 星加坡, 印度尼西亞, 菲律賓等等世界各地.
佛教是距今約2600年前釋迦牟尼佛在35歲的時候開悟佛覺, 並在印度講說的教義. 之後傳到了東南亞, 中國以及日本等地.
日本從中國隋唐的時候引入了佛教, 直至今日乃是少數的佛教國家. 在日本的淨土真宗的寺院,在全日本多達2萬以上, 在日本的文化, 言語用詞, 禮儀等等, 都能夠看到佛教的色彩, 由此可見佛教是多麼深入的滲透了日本這個國家.京都除了是日本最古老的首都, 也是佛教中心 . 在京都到處可以見到淨土真宗的寺院, 以前只要想學習佛教, 大家都會前往到京都去, 甚至很多有名的高僧, 法然上人, 親鸞聖人, 蓮如上人等等, 都曾在京都居住過.很可惜的, 今天日本的佛教, 已經不再以教導佛教的教義為主要目的, 很多都淪落為光逛佛教, 葬禮佛教.
為了讓佛教的教義正確的弘揚給更多的人, IBA建立起來, 將釋迦牟尼佛的教義正確的傳達給想要了解佛教和人生目的學生以外, 也培養很多想要把佛教傳達給世界各地的人們的講師.
主辦人(SAM), 是IBA的講師. 8年前遇到佛法, 並且在2年前成為了IBA的講師, 除了在馬來西亞吉隆坡以外, 也到各國舉辦佛教學習會和演講.
此社團建立的目的, 是為了介紹佛教中教導的人生的目的以及獲得幸福的方法.