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What we’re about

Welcome to SingleChristians.LA Meetup group! Our community is focused on bringing together single individuals who share a love for painting, outdoor soccer, music, and Christian evangelism. Join us for weekly potlucks, landscape painting sessions, and fun events where men and women can connect and have a great time together. Whether you're looking to make new friends, grow in your faith, or simply have fun, our group offers a welcoming Christian community for born again believers as well as those that would like to become born again. Why not! Every day is a goo day to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Ocean is steps away for those ready to make the commitment and plunge. Come join us and experience the joy of fellowship and friendship with other Christian singles! I set up a huge 10'x20' white shade tent by the Santa Monica concrete sidewalk over 3 picnic tables. I take paint supplies, 2 large 10' soccer goals, 8 soccer balls, 10 frisbees, ice chest full of water bottles, 2 person hammock. Come alone or bring a friend.

Once the workout vendors start leaving the huge grass area live Salsa DJ take over and people start dancing

Every Sunday from 8am-8pm
Here is the exact location: