What we’re about
Group Description:
A sacred community for Black witches, pagans, and women of color to connect, heal, and empower each other through shared spirituality, honoring ancestral roots, and embracing diverse paths in witchcraft and paganism. Together, we uplift and celebrate our unique identities and practices.
Group Goals:
Our goal is to build a supportive, empowering space where members can explore spirituality, magic, and ancestral connections free from judgment. We aim to create a sisterhood rooted in collective growth, protection, and the honoring of our unique cultural heritages.
Who We’re Hoping to Meet:
We’re looking to connect with like-minded Black witches, women of color, and spiritual practitioners who are passionate about their spiritual journeys, open to learning, and dedicated to fostering a community of love, respect, and shared wisdom. This includes those on pagan, ancestral, or unique spiritual paths.
What We’ll Do at Events:
Our gatherings will include group rituals, ancestor work, spellcrafting, healing circles, workshops, and discussions on witchcraft, spiritual growth, and cultural empowerment. We’ll share knowledge, support each other’s journeys, and work on collective goals such as protection, prosperity, and personal transformation.