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What we’re about

This international Supportive Sisterhood Circle group aims to create a global safespace for authentic sharing, venting, discussion, community building and networking for women who are interested in actively expanding their feminine consciousness as a means to foster healing and empowerment within their conscious trauma-aware, abuse-aware, supportive womanly community.

If nurtured by members, this group can serve as a welcoming, diverse community space in which we may be ourselves, speak truths, ask questions, and share understandings, knowledge, techniques, strategies and various other progressive, support types for health improvement and recovery, and relationship, sensuality, sexuality, spirituality, career, study, lifestyle, intellectual, philosophical, political and community integration, consciousness expansion and strengthening.

Many wise humans, our Sisters especially, believe it very important that we act in coming together toward self-respecting-and-preserving unity in creation of an (heathily-vetted inclusive) supportive circle, where we witness, learn, embrace, decondition from the hierarchical systems of oppression, which we are targeted by and execute, intentionally evolve, and assist each other to healthfully process the beliefs, intentions, actions and effects of the badseeds and winds and (covert/overt) wars of evolutionary societal change, while surrounded and supported by similarly reality-conscious, women-respecting womxn.

Please respect rules and requests (a few others will be posted here at a later date):
This group is open to:
pro- intersectionality,
anti- sexist/racist/ableist/classist/ageist/queerphobic/xenophobic women only, please.

Please direct message (DM) the organizer with all questions, concerns and suggestions. Thank you. : )

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